"the story begins with you and me."
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P L A Y . T H E . P A S T: |
Thursday, August 19, 2010, 19:18
你能不能主動? 我偶爾也是很被動的! 對我說一句, "我很好, 只是很想你." 我就真的會開心的.. 覺得之前甚麼的, 都無所謂了! Wednesday, August 18, 2010, 21:02
I believe I am doing the right thing, I know it's working. I just pray that things won't take too long to come my way. 遇见你, 害我把灵魂出卖. 我很好, 只是很想你. Tuesday, August 17, 2010, 21:58
Recently, I couldn't fall asleep until I'm in bed for at least almost 2 hours. I don't like this, the feeling is terrible. Have I been thinking too much? I had tried to avoid many things that could distract myself from living as peacefully as possible. Then again, I could find myself waking up in the middle of my sleep in the early morning. Best thing, but better thing was I can't go back to sleep until 1 hour later. Totally crap. 20:02
你 也许我不会懂 从我说爱你以后 你的天空星星都亮了 (有吗?) 我要相信 相信我们会像童话故事里 幸福和快乐是结局 (可以相信吗?) 我望着天 在心中默默念 下一秒你出现在眼前 想念的心装满的都是你 你的钢琴弹奏的都是我 (会吗? 希望.) 我的日记 写满的都是你的 (保密的, 没人懂.) Sunday, August 15, 2010, 23:34
最怕的, 是你爱了, 我却放手了. 所以, 亲爱的, 不要让我遗憾没能陪你一起老, 好不好? 18:39
把那些写过给你的信 重读一遍两遍几百遍 再考虑一下到底是否 应该慢慢的一一删掉 是否其实在乎两个字 根本重来没有出现过 从来 有没有人想过 我是多么担心 担心我在那陌生的地方 都是陌生的人 我要怎么生存 虽然我的适应能力还算不错 但就算这样又如何 交际能力也有限 不是每个喜欢你的人 也会喜欢我 我挣扎很多次 我怀疑自己数百次 我问过自己上千次 是否一开始 我就不应该出现在那世界里 其实 你我都懂 再多的字 想说的话 都不能完整的表达出来 你不懂 "多的是 你不知道的事" 如果这一切 你会懂 因为很多事 我做过的 很多人 都以不理会 不在乎的心态 而对待 They said love is blind, but I'm not blinded. I know what I want, I know what I need, I know what I've been struggling for, I know how much I have to pay for this perseverance. Even though I know what the consequences may be, what outcome I'll get, I need to try. I need to, that's all I believe. Perhaps there's no progress at all, but I wanna know how long my determination can last, at least I'd given my best. Would God do the rest? "除了你 我什么都没有看到." Sunday, August 8, 2010, 22:54
I don't know why I care so much when people I care don't even bother. I'm lacking a huge amount of security. Tuesday, August 3, 2010, 22:15
I dislike but I really love it when we really do have the telepathy -- because very often, we came online at the same time; like NOW! Sunday, August 1, 2010, 21:07
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