"the story begins with you and me."

P L A Y . T H E . P A S T:
  • October 2008
  • November 2008
  • December 2008
  • January 2009
  • February 2009
  • March 2009
  • April 2009
  • May 2009
  • June 2009
  • July 2009
  • August 2009
  • September 2009
  • October 2009
  • November 2009
  • December 2009
  • January 2010
  • February 2010
  • March 2010
  • April 2010
  • May 2010
  • June 2010
  • July 2010
  • August 2010
  • September 2010

  • Friday, April 30, 2010, 23:46

    Just read the rules for playing 8-ball pool.

    I did something very ________ today.

    I had my eyes opened for a few seconds at 6plus this morning. I thought I was going to be late for school, but the immediate thought of me setting the alarm last night puts me back to sleep.

    This is nuts.
    Could it be a habit already, since school starts early for Mondays and Tuesdays? Oh, better not be.

    I have marriage thoughts.
    I know, it's not the first time I'm saying this.

    I think about how I want my wedding to be like, what I want to do if I could be the wedding planner, etc.

    I even think about the not-yet-born children. How are they going to be like? More like me or not?

    I wonder most of the time about what kind of personalities the future husband would possess, what he likes, etc.

    Will the future husband love kids too? What kind of son is he to his and my parents? How would he behave as a friend, lover and husband to me? What kind of father would he be?..

    I do think a lot, and they varies as days go by.


    Thursday, April 29, 2010, 22:28

    I can't & don't understand why those words can come out from her mouth just like that. It's as if the words are free, too free that she doesn't have to pay for the Karma.


    Okay, calm down.

    Wednesday, April 28, 2010, 22:18

    Dear You,

    Tell me how and what you've did that made me feel this way. I think a lot about those, and the feeling has been strong. Too strong for me to take, but I believe it.

    Each time I wonder if things over there that happen, could somehow make you think of me or something that I've said.

    Sorry, but I lost control of my thoughts.

    Now, I can't find any words to express everything.

    Yet, what I found was only..
    "I miss you."


    Monday, April 26, 2010, 23:55

    I am very determined to start my research for projects. Yet I ended up surfing online shops, and others, and somewhere I'd always visit.

    Right now, I'd open a powerpoint to remind myself to complete today -- even though the dateline is tomorrow. HARDWORKING HUH?!


    So today, I'm back to school again. It's already another Monday, that means week 2! Everything seems like rocket.

    Oh, have I mention this before? Still, I thank people who asked for my age and guessed 18!

    HOHOHO! Mad happy! Hehe!

    Part of my first year's project video -- the NG part only!

    Too much memories.

    & why is the image of a video there?! It makes everything so not nice! AHHHHH.

    "没有最爱你的时刻, 只有更爱你的时候"

    Sunday, April 25, 2010, 01:02

    老爸回来了, 回来了, 回来了!

    I, lovelife!

    I love you, momo!
    I love you too, dad!

    Friday, April 23, 2010, 21:02

    Now, we've already confirmed there'll be two project presentations three weeks later. A final year project due in ten weeks' time.

    Stress, am I?
    I guess not, yet.

    It's Friday today -- there goes week one.

    It'll be a busy weekend this week. Let's all rest well for every tomorrow.

    & when I know I could not change things any further, I allow myself out from the environment for a better thinking. When I'm back, I produce a better me. It's not because people aren't nice, but I cultivate myself for a better one. When I'm done, I challenge myself & things which I'm not confident in. Hence, I cooperated.

    "My girlfriends, let's grow old together. I love you."

    Wednesday, April 21, 2010, 21:49

    I will try to like this, but not so for the time being.

    The major nursing project was briefed today. There's a lot to do, so complicated too. Then again, I'd actually prefer writing words and words and more words to innovate things related to nursing.

    One main reason for me, myself, rejecting innovation is that when you've done the product, you're sure to find flaws and more time would be spend trying, trying, trying and more trying.

    "It's sweet when someone knows every single detail about you. Not because you constantly remind them, but because they pay attention."

    Tuesday, April 20, 2010, 22:00

    Just washed away the mask.

    For the time being, I've already got 2 projects in hand. One to be due two weeks later, another in three weeks time.

    Spells G-O-O-D, because when things get done earlier = more time for studying.

    Practical tests in 3 to 4 weeks time, theory tests in 10 weeks time.

    This time, academic period will fill days from now to six months later. This also means half a year will be in school -- must cherish.

    Tutor said something today, tears filled my eyes.

    I realised how time really flies like rocket in the past two years.

    I still remember when I kept grumbling about school's life, in the first year. Soon, we'll all be graduating in one year's time.

    Like? Maybe.

    "Leave the school with more friends, not enemy."

    Monday, April 19, 2010, 22:15

    Thousands of words have been running through my mind this night. However, I didn't manage to get them fixed into sentences. Perhaps another day, when the inspirations come again.

    I must admit that I love my 15apr entry, which I really wrote wholeheartedly.

    & it's 2215 now, means early night because of early morning tomorrow.

    Good night, imu.

    Sunday, April 18, 2010, 23:04

    School's starting tomorrow.
    Final year.

    Let's wait and see how everyday life can liven up this blog,
    or deaden.

    Considering to private it.


    Saturday, April 17, 2010, 21:38

    His concert in 3D!
    22 May!
    Will I be able to watch? Hm..

    约会要等 讲笑话不能闷
    别太冷 像我一样就刚好
    对爱的人 接吻要深


    Friday, April 16, 2010, 22:08

    At times, I can't help but to admit that I am really a romantic person.

    Two close friends of mine even asked if I can be their "boyfriend".
    Too bad, sorry I'm straight!

    Yet, I sometimes worry that I may turn into a lesbian one day.
    Eeyer, please don't!


    Thursday, April 15, 2010, 23:48






    "每一天 发生的事情我都好想要跟你讲
    爱很怪 什么都介意最后又什么都原谅"

    p/s: I'm not emo right now, thank you.

    Tuesday, April 13, 2010, 22:15

    Monday, April 12, 2010, 17:49

    The timetable is out. I so wanna know how it's like & checked it out immediately when the clock strikes 12mn.

    I feel that it's more to the bad side, but it's okay. It's my final year, gonna strive as hard as I could. Yet, hopefully acnes won't come & mess up my final year. Please, thank you.

    I have the thought of buying a pool table, suddenly.

    Sunday, April 11, 2010, 23:44

    Last year's, in October.

    I'm having insomnia. I can't fall asleep at night as easily as I can last time, only when I'm too tired like out for the whole day.

    I believe the main reason is that I've been thinking too much every now and then. This irritates me, to a certain extent. I don't like this. I don't like insecure moments. No, I'm not liking this.

    So do you mind getting out of my mind from now on?
    Oh please, please, please.


    Friday, April 9, 2010, 21:09

    Perhaps today's the last time.

    Thank you for the love, thank you for doting me this much, thank you for everything.

    I love you, as a friend.
    & for the rest of my life, I'll never dare to forget you.

    This, I promise.

    Frankly, have you ever did?

    Wednesday, April 7, 2010, 23:02

















    via WritingOnWallss;


    & I hope when I show my sincerity, you would do the same too.

    Tuesday, April 6, 2010, 22:33

    via WritingOnWallss;

    I agreed.

    "People seem so petty now... greedy, power-hungry, ambitious. They forget about love and understanding and knowledge. There is much to learn."

    Certainly, each and every one of us have too much more to learn.

    Question is, who are the ones willing to and will learn them with a sincere heart?

    Or you?

    Monday, April 5, 2010, 21:20

    There's a boy and a girl standing in front of a mirror..

    Girl: "What do you see?"

    The boy smile and said: "The rest of my life."


    I will try to quit eating chocolates, tidbits, fried food etc. They agitated the acnes, & I dislike them. Can they stay in the past, don't come back now & in the future?


    Right now, I wish to do a charity donation but it's for Taiwan. It's by buying a tee for just NT299. It's quite reasonable, around S$14 only. However, it's out of stock. I hope the two person whom I asked for help, could get it for me.

    via WritingOnWallss;

    Friday, April 2, 2010, 22:58

    I shall continue to keep this blog alive while I'm waiting for my DIY mask to dry on my face! Hehehe!

    Well, I plurked this afternoon saying that I will never forget this day.


    First, I don't know what's wrong with me. I woke up at 12mn, texted Heng rubbish! I think I was half asleep at that time. I seriously think my brother got a shock too, although he didn't say anything. Heng was extremely shocked, I can sense that! Man, I even texted "okay, going down in 5."

    p/s: going down in 5 = going down in 5 minutes. so, if I say I'll call you back in 10 = call you back in 10 minutes.

    So yea.

    She was super shocked to the maximum that she asked whatever for am I going down. I was suddenly back to my senses, you know!


    For goodness sake, what am I doing?! Possessed? Sleep TEXTING?

    Second, I woke up early at 5plus in the morning, for a jog with Heng!

    Spells W-O-W.

    We simply like the fresh air early in the morning. Then, I also dislike the "brain freeze" caused by the morning coolness because it lasted for 4 hours.


    Next time, I'll cycle. She'll jog.

    I thought I was going to have a heart attack, you know. The heart felt hard, not cold because I am warm blooded. HAHAHA!

    I must also admit that I, or we, like the chat after jog, that lasted almost two hours?


    Alright, just nice. My mask has harden, going to wash it off!

    Before that, something needs to be shared.. like this:

    "Everything must be balanced. Nature is balanced. The beasts live in harmony. Humans have not learned to do that. They continue to destroy themselves. There is no harmony, no plan to what they do. It's so different in nature. Nature is balanced. Nature is energy and life... and restoration. And human just destroy. They destroy nature. They destroy other humans. They will eventually destroy themselves."

    p/s: "beasts" = animals.

    I agree, humans have not learned to live in harmony.

    I am trying to, I'd learnt to not bother. I'd learnt to control my temper, forgive and forget things. Things that I know, will affect my emotions. I'd learnt what is supposed to be told, what shouldn't.