"the story begins with you and me."
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P L A Y . T H E . P A S T: |
Saturday, July 31, 2010, 22:47
我想要说.. 如果你觉得我和你在一起时 有点多话 笑话有点冷 说的话有点听不懂 或偶尔觉得我有点玩疯了 原谅我 这些只不过是 因为我和你在一起时 我感觉自在了 我也许还会有些保留 不过 原谅我 我希望我的完美 能留在你脑海里 那就够了 朋友 也许有时候要求会高 那是希望 大家可以一起成长 我们一起变老, 好不好? Friday, July 30, 2010, 21:06
【给自己安慰的10句温馨话】 1、最重要的是今天的心; 2、别总是自己跟自己过不去; 3、用心做自己该做的事; 4、不要过于计较别人的评价; 5、每个人都有自己的活法; 6、喜欢自己才会拥抱生活; 7、不必一味讨好别人; 8、木已成舟便要顺其自然; 9、不妨暂时丢开烦心事; 10、自己感觉幸福就是幸福.. I can't wait for Tuesday! & gotten the good news about our FYP project after my nap this late afternoon. The lecturer is very happy with our innovation and would want us to exhibit (or something like that) on next Wednesday! With this, I thank my groupmates for sacrificing their time on this project (& other projects too). Tomorrow will be a better day. Wednesday, July 28, 2010, 23:26
I love friends whom I love them and the love is exchanged too. I'm especially happy tonight, hehehe. Night! 13:44
道歉, 只因为我要和谐~ 不代表我是错的. 我没说什么, 就请你不要对号入座, 感谢您. Happy 20th birthday, WENDY TAN! ------------------ 不管你对或错, 都对不起好了! 只因为你要的是和谐~ 说过, 不是没主见! 是有修养~~ 诚实是美德! 善良是美德! 一视同仁是美德! 原谅.. 何尝不是一种美德? I'm looking forward to 7pm! GOGOGO! Tuesday, July 27, 2010, 22:20
I don't wanna be a kind-hearted person today, I'm sorry. Monday, July 26, 2010, 22:00
I had nightmares last night. I dreamt about deaths. End of story. Good night, darling. Sunday, July 25, 2010, 23:44
I ain't liking this unpleasant feeling. Take it from me, forever, dear God. I'd always wished humans are pleasant mammals, but there're always those who want to prove me wrong. I'd always wished humans are as soft-hearted as clouds, but there're always those who want to prove me wrong. I'd always wished humans are unbias, but there're always things that they said/do that prove me wrong. I'd always wished humans are many of these and that, but there're too many who couldn't be of those "these-and-that". I wished he was here, at least let me know he's here for me. 21:27
"我没有很想你,只是在早上醒来时,看看有没有你发来信息和未接来电;我没有很想你,只是把你来电调成唯一的铃音;我没有很想你,只是在听歌时,被某句歌词击中,脑中出现短暂的空白;我没有很想你,只是想看看你的样子,听听你的声音;我又没有很想你,只是每次醒来时,第一个想到你.." I DIDN'T~ DIDN'T! DIDN'T! DIDN'T! DIDN'T......... I did. ![]() Jam Hsiao's Concert DVD was here! Many loves ^^v ![]() Yesterday was pool, I'm loving it! (: I just wanted to start my 100 words reflection. It was only 10 marks in total, with weightage of only 10%. Imagine, if we were to get full marks (10), so 10% of it would only be 1 mark. So imagine, when we get 8 marks, HOW MUCH ARE WE GETTING?! SO what's the point of writing 100 words reflection? Waste papers, waste inks, waste electricity (to use laptop), waste waste waste! Saturday, July 24, 2010, 12:58
想你想到快疯掉~ 你知不知道? I'd been dreaming of him lately. Everyday, that is. I needa go out to collect something at 2plus later! I'd been spending money recently, I needa control! Then again, how to resist especially when I haven't even order what I want from the online shop?! Somebody tie me up, please. On a happier note, I'm gonna meet up with few friends for dinner later. She's going to give birth next month! I can't wait to meet the yet-to-be-born babygirl! Oh sweetie~~ Perhaps my god-daughter?! HEHEHE! Friday, July 23, 2010, 19:50
![]() YAY! ^^v 继续忙! 也继续等待~.. Imy. 16:53
How much do you believe in horoscopes? 你有多相信星座呢? Thursday, July 22, 2010, 22:09
我觉得我是一个很容易满足的人! 如果一个人对我不好~ 我会难过! 但如果他/她反过来又帮了我一个小忙~ 或和我说说笑笑~ 我就几乎忘了什么叫难过! 也许他/她很虚伪~ 我也没感觉了.. 是怎样呢, 我? 今天是第4天了! 我.. 他.. 我们.. 有缘人吗? 我很贪心~ 要的不只是聆听而已~ 而是在我身边.. 让我听到你每天的关心, 细心等~ 不管是用什么方式 只要我感觉得到.. 让我知道你是在乎我的! 今天 女人说~ 某人喜欢我! 我整个就是晕~~~~~~~~~~ 她一定是在开玩笑! 不好笑咯! 完全就是让我很尴尬~ 不知道要怎么继续和他像普通朋友这样过~~ 女人啊~ 女人! I apologize for this Chinese entry. I shall continue with my 500 words executive summary & 100 words reflection! Good night! 19:38
我的有缘人呢? 好希望他快点收到我送的东东~ 然后告诉我说: "我们的缘分会在80年后才会停止.. 所以请把握时间!" 我很想他 他是否一样很想我?........... Dear Shaari I dreamt of you last night again. The dream was the weirdest in my life thus far. I was told that you've came back to life and back to Roger's side. Absurd indeed! You even thanked those who cried and weaned for you etc. Tell me, what's this dream supposed to mean? Misses, me. Wednesday, July 21, 2010, 21:48
I didn't like shopping for gifts, neither do I really like shopping for my own clothings. I'd do online shopping as convenient as I can. For him, I'd went to shop for gifts I'd like him to have. From the day I could really recollect the past, this is the first time I'm going all out for something I really want. Something I'd wanted so much, like never before. "I might have been in love before, but it never felt this strong." All these while, part of my life revolves around him. I just got to know whether things will turn out what I'd wanted to be. Then, I'm also afraid because when my imagination starts to go wild, they usually won't happen. Sad thing, it is. "Hold me tight and ignore what the world says about us." Tuesday, July 20, 2010, 22:32
怎么办呢? 我觉得我好自以为是~ 好像很有信心.. 却感觉太过自信~ 我又有什么条件来争取我想要的? 20:53
你觉得哪三个字最悲伤? 1.错过了; 2.手放开; 3.我爱你; 4.忘记我; 5.再见了; 6.我累了; 7.永别了; 8.离开你; 9.我不信; 10.好后悔; 11.我恨你; 12.会永远; 13.还在爱; 14.留下来; 15.就这样; 16.过去了。 "有一种女孩在陌生人面前会很安静,很冷漠。在熟人面前却很放肆,很霸道!这种女孩子不谈恋爱,只在姐妹间游荡。这种女孩子偶尔看到街上的情侣时,也会幻想,也会羡慕。这种女孩子不会轻易恋爱,恋爱了一定会好好珍惜。若你遇到了这样的女孩,请务必好好珍惜她。这样的女孩请别让她受伤。" 我爱你,不光因为你的样子,还因为,和你在一起时,我的样子;我爱你,不光因为你为我而做的事,还因为,为了你, 我能做成的事;我爱你,因为你能唤出,我最真的那部分;我爱你, 因为你穿越我心灵的旷野,如同阳光穿透水晶般容易。。。(by Roy Croft ) "爱情跟本不需要比较,既然曾经选择牵手,就不要轻易说放手。选择了他/她就要给他/她幸福,不要为了一点小事情,一句伤人的话,而放弃了曾经海誓山盟的誓言。人生有太多的遗憾,我们要努力让人生少一些遗憾。珍惜生活,珍惜身边人,让爱情不去比较。理解对方多一点,生活中快乐就会多一点!" 你主动点好吗? 15:22
"对不起, 我不能错过你, 哪怕以后遇见的人会更好.. 以后的风景会更美, 我都不想要, 陪伴在你的身边就是此刻我的希望, 不长, 就一辈子." 真希望你会看到这个. Monday, July 19, 2010, 00:27
“ 当我喜欢你的时,你不喜欢我,当我爱上你的时,你喜欢上我, 当我离开你的时,你却爱上我,是我走得太快,还是你跟不上我的脚步, 我们错过了一切的惊险与不惊险,我们还要继续错过。 我不了解我的寂寞来自何方,但我真的感到寂寞。你也寂寞,世界上每个人都寂寞,只是大家的寂寞都不同。” Sunday, July 18, 2010, 22:37
![]() Tell me, this is wrong. & what I'm feeling, is right. 我要谢谢你. 谢谢你让我从你身上学了很多~ 不管别人对你再不友善等.. 还是要继续善良! 就算自己有多不甘愿, 还是没办法做到和他们一样不好~ 我庆幸自己的心像白云一样~ 每次我想对别人有多不好, 都做不到! 谢谢你~ 让我在很多时候.. 不知道为什么会偷偷的微笑~ 我想应该是你总是能让我融化掉~ 遇见你, 是我最美丽的意外. Saturday, July 17, 2010, 14:00
All of us were only close, only felt the love & care, only at that period of time. Now, it's gone. So why am I still very bothered about it? I shouldn't be, because nobody cares at all. Really, nobody gives it a damn. So why am I still pondering over it? I should get over it, I should, really. Since people don't give a damn & treat your sincerity and all like a pile of shit, maybe I should learn to do that too. Even if, I'm a libra. Whatever nonsense is coming up, I really should try to get them in from one of my ears and out from another. Perfectly, OUT OF MY MIND AND OUT OF MY SIGHT. Report for today, done. Thank you. p/s: If ever you think you know what I am talking about, please keep your mouth shut because nobody will think that you're a mute even if you're not talking. 00:11
Anything. Say, people ignore. Don't say, people treat it as shit. Whatever. Good night. Thursday, July 15, 2010, 21:29
It's coming to an end for Thursday. I'm loving it, because after tomorrow, I could finally take a long rest during the weekend. I haven't been having enough sleep since World Cup's final, so does everyone. 我要让你意外的发现, 你其实已经慢慢喜欢上我了. Wednesday, July 14, 2010, 20:00
It's already the mid-week, two more days to go & it'll be a more heavenly heaven. We'll pull through these, although we all know it'll be tough. I understand everything has become stressful to each individual. Then again, perhaps things were destined to be like this. If only the decision made earlier was what I'd suggested, then things would be so much heavenly right now. I know there's no point saying these right now, but people must learn from their experience. They must, and so do I. If only I'm firm at the start of everything, if only I didn't consider too much in the first place, if only I'm hard-hearted enough.. If only things were like these, so heavenly, then I wouldn't have to say all these. "世界上有一种人, 不见面的时候会一直惦记着他, 见面时却又脸红心跳, 什么话都说不出口. 他总能轻易地把你的心揪住, 让你无法忘怀, 也能让你胡思乱想睡不好觉, 但你仍然甘之如饴, 因为你爱他. 他是你最甜蜜, 最甜蜜的负荷. 这种人, 叫做恋人." Thursday, July 8, 2010, 21:24
"我擔心你,因為你的純真最後一定會帶給你痛苦。不怪你,只能說這個世界太複雜了~" Agreed. "..只是希望他不要被這個世界同化,不要麻木,就算被傷害,也要保留那份純真,因為最能令人快樂的永遠是純真~" Agreed. If only people don't have a heart, there won't be any feelings around. Tuesday, July 6, 2010, 20:24
下辈子, 我一定要投胎做一个男人. 然后, 娶一个我这样的女人. Dear you, 我很想你 一整天, 你都没上线, 没有留言~ 我找不到你~~ 我很想你 很想你 很想你 很想你 很想你 很想你 很想你 很想你 很想你 很想你 很想你 很想你 很想你 很想你 很想你 你知道吗? love, me. Monday, July 5, 2010, 21:50
缘份是什么? 是心有灵犀的一种感觉; 是一见如故的一种倾向; 是相见恨晚的一种心情; 是上天安排的最美的际遇; 是深深的牵挂或隐隐的怀念! 缘是一种自然而神秘的心灵力量: 因为一些文字而引起共鸣; 因为一种感觉而动人心弦; 因为一次邂逅而难以忘怀; 因为一次回眸而感慨万千............ Sunday, July 4, 2010, 21:51
"有一天, 有那么一个人, 我于千万人之中将他一眼记取——不早也不晚, 我们刚好遇到. 他让我坚定得什么都可以不计较." ![]() Friday, July 2, 2010, 09:49
I need strength. I need determination. I need somebody. I should have seen it coming. Or have I been thinking too much? I have no idea. Somebody tell me, I am feeling the wrong thing. & that I should continue to believe what I'd believe in, in the first place. I need you. |